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Provincial Newcomer Youth Gatherings 2015

There were several youth gatherings held to hear directly from newcomer youth in Manitoba of their experiences in the school system.

The youth gatherings were held in the following school Divisions:

Winnipeg School Division No.1

Seven Oaks School Division.

Louis Riel School Division.

St James School Division.

Brandon School Division.

Western School Division.

Mystery Lake School Division.( RD Parker Collegiate)

Division Scolaire Franco- Manitobaine.(College Louis Riel)

There were a total of 273 new newcomer youth who participated in the 8 youth gatherings.

The focus of these gatherings was for youth to articulate in their own voices about the challenges barriers/concerns they faced in the school system. Youth spoke about both their positive and negative

experiences. They also made suggestions as to how to improve the educational outcomes for future newcomer youth and for themselves.

The suggestions from each of the 8 youth gatherings were incorporated into individual reports. A summary document & report based on these consultations was also complied. The report identified a number of recommendations directed at various stakeholders; Canadian Government, Provincial Government, School Divisions in Manitoba, Immigrant /refugee/Newcomer Agencies, Community Groups, Parents & Guardians.

Please refer for details of the full reports on NEC ‘S Research Page of their website.

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